
Monday Jan 04, 2010
The Art & Science of Valuing in Psychotherapy - Part One
Monday Jan 04, 2010
Monday Jan 04, 2010
Before the Association for Contextual Behavioral Sciences conference in The Netherlands, there were many requests to record the workshops. Joanne Dahl, Jennifer Plumb, Ian Stewart, and Tobias Lundgren led a fantastic workshop entitled The Art & Science of Valuing in Psychotherapy. They wrote a book with the same title published by New Harbinger, and it is excellent.
This is Part One of the workshop, and I’ll post Part Two fairly soon. Just to clarify, all I did was record this workshop and asked for permission to post it here on the Functionally Speaking website. Enjoy!
D.J. Moran

Sunday Apr 19, 2009
Functionally Speaking #6
Sunday Apr 19, 2009
Sunday Apr 19, 2009
You might need some references for this version of Functionally Speaking. The intro alludes to a Washington Post article called Pearls Before Breakfast that I found particularly condescending and is related to a series of posts on the ACT Listserve called “A Violinist in the Metro” from March 2008.
During the discussion about mindfulness in the podcast, you might like to have the Inflexahex Case Conceptualization Worksheet available, and it is available at the ACT in Practice website.
Finally, back in the mid-1990's my metal band, SONIPATH, wrote a song called ACT. I discuss the song a bit at the end of the podcast. If you are interested in the lyrics visit my blog on the ACBS website: http://www.contextualpsychology.org/blog/dj_moran. If you can't find the lyrics on that page, it is because you aren't an ACBS member. Please consider joining: http://www.contextualpsychology.org/join
In addition, there are a few ACT trainings coming up. Please contact me for more information about these workshops:
Chicagoland - April 25, 2009
Baltimore - May 9, 2009
Phoenix - May 22-23, 2009
Molde, Norway - June 25-26, 2009
Enschede, The Netherlands - July 1-3, 2009
Enjoy the podcast!

Monday Nov 10, 2008
Functionally Speaking #5
Monday Nov 10, 2008
Monday Nov 10, 2008
This edition of Functionally Speaking starts with a brief explanation of the term "truth" from a functional contextual perspective, and then is followed by an interview with Niklas Torneke about his new book ABC’s of Human Behavior: Behavior Principles for the Practicing Clinician. (Please forgive me if I call the book ‘excellent’ too many times. It might be distracting, but it is that good!) Finally, I’ll relay a story about a kid who learns a lot about life by playing baseball.
Introduction to Acceptance and Commitment Therapy Case Conceptualization workshops with D.J. Moran are scheduled for:
Toronto – November 22, 2008
Pittsburgh – December 6, 2008
New York City – January 31, 2009
Please email Daniel.Moran@comcast.net for more information.
Thanks for listening!

Tuesday Apr 22, 2008
Functionally Speaking #4
Tuesday Apr 22, 2008
Tuesday Apr 22, 2008
Functionally Speaking #4 is here! In this episode, I interview Chad Drake about the IRAP, and Aki Masuda about ACT & Stigma and the challenges of making ACT work more internationally accepted. Enjoy! D.J. Moran

Thursday Mar 13, 2008
Functionally Speaking #3
Thursday Mar 13, 2008
Thursday Mar 13, 2008
Thanks for checking out the third edition of this 21st century behavior therapy podcast. I'll present a brief sneak preview of the ACTSI4, and then talk at length with Hank Robb about Spiritual Reality. After that I am joined by Rhonda Merwin who discusses an ACT approach to the treatment of Eating Disorders. Questions or concerns? Email me: daniel.moran@comcast.net Have fun! D.J. Moran

Thursday Nov 08, 2007
Functionally Speaking #2
Thursday Nov 08, 2007
Thursday Nov 08, 2007
Enjoy the second edition of Functionally Speaking. This podcast includes part two of my interview with Steve Hayes plus an interview with Rob Zettle about his new book ACT for Depression. In addition, Sonja Batten discusses committed action and the differences between ACT and CBT related to treatment goals. The podcast ends with a song called Autopilot, written by David Gillanders. David performed the song unplugged at the ACT Summer Institute in Houston to a riveted crowd. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me: Daniel.Moran@comcast.net

Sunday Aug 19, 2007
Functionally Speaking #1
Sunday Aug 19, 2007
Sunday Aug 19, 2007
Thanks for your interest in Functionally Speaking - A Third Wave Behavior Therapy Podcast. Simply 'double click' on the Play button underneath Listen Now. This episode's guests: Kevin Polk Steve Hayes (Part 1 of 2) Feel free to click the link to my ACBS blog. It contains materials relevant to this podcast. Please feel free to send me questions, comments, or show ideas. Daniel.Moran@comcast.net Enjoy! D.J.